Serving Together – Part II

Have you ever thought about how much more we could accomplish if we truly understood the power of serving together?  

Last week, we started to look at what it truly takes to work together effectively as a community. This week we’ll continue that conversation and look at how understanding and accommodating each other’s differences can strengthen our unity and help us serve better together. It’s not just about getting along—it’s about recognizing the unique ways God has made each of us and learning how we can support one another. Join us as we look into these ideas and see how we can become a stronger, more connected church family with practical application that can make a real difference in ALL of your relationships and in our community.


  1. How can we practically apply the concept of accommodating others’ needs in our daily interactions within the church?
  2. In what ways can understanding and celebrating each other’s differences strengthen our unity as a small group?
  3. What does it look like to truly “make room” for someone’s ideas, even when they differ from your own?
  4. How can we encourage each other to be more vulnerable and authentic in our relationships, as discussed in the sermon?
  5. Why is it important to shift from merely tolerating differences to actively accommodating and celebrating them?
  6. What role does empathy play in building a strong, effective team? How can we cultivate more empathy in our group?
  7. How does the idea of “connection over correction” resonate with you? How can we prioritize relationships over disagreements?
  8. What are some challenges you’ve faced in accommodating others’ personalities, and how did you address them?
  9. How can we create a welcoming environment where everyone feels valued and respected, even when we have different views?
  10. Reflect on the idea of being part of a community like the redwood trees. How can we better support each other to stand strong together?

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